Student Presentation Judging Guidelines

A. Topic and Level

Is the topic an appropriate and interesting one for an audience consisting primarily of undergraduates? In general, we would like student papers to not be so elementary as to be uninteresting, but not so esoteric as to be incomprehensible. However, there certainly have been instances when a paper has given a unique or clever approach to an elementary topic or beautifully unmasked an esoteric and complicated topic.

B. Organization/Preparation

We expect the student to put some thought into the arrangement of topics and the development of the material. References and historical notes should be cited where appropriate. The order of topics and logical development should be sound.

C. Presentation

The presenter should be well rehearsed. A good presentation should flow. It should be neither verbose nor terse.

D. Understanding

The paper presenter should be comfortable and familiar with the material. The presenter should not get lost in the material, and should be responsive to questions in a confident and thoughtful way.

E. Exposition or Research

We look for and reward both good exposition and good research. Try to ascertain if the student authored the exposition or did the research. We are more interested in the work done by the student than by the student's faculty advisor.