MTH 654 LAB 3

In this lab you will work on a remote Unix server; we will use SCIENCE applications server You will learn how to use existing state-of-the-art linear solver libraries: sometimes there is no sense to redevelop the wheel.
This lab spans two weeks. Solve three projects (students advanced in computing can merge Projects 1-4).

Please read the instructions below before you start doing anything and wait for my presentation. Items to try ahead of time are in red.
I will give a "live" presentation when everybody is present. If you can't wait, here is an extra just for you.

  • Log in to the (application) Linux server using ssh. Have your SCIENCE account name and password ready .
    • I suggest you use Start X Win icon to start X Windows under CYGWIN. Open a few terminal windows so you will have somehting to work with. For example,
      type xterm -bg red -fg black &
      type xterm -fg yellow -bg black &
      so you will have an additional "black" and "red" windows.
    • in the black terminal, type ssh -Y and input password
    • type echo $SHELL and if you do not see tcsh as the answer, start tcsh in each window. (contact COSINE to request that they make tcsh your log-in shell).
    • move around in your home directory ... make folder lab3 .. or something like that.
  • On app server, you will compile and link a FORTRAN program. Take a look at what it does.. You will also need the "other" module. Plan how you will copy all the files to the application server - use scp.
    in the red terminal ... scp myfile
  • The code uses a call to a separate module and to a library.

    This library is the LAPACK library; you may also want to read about BLAS. Both come from NETLIB and are installed on every "real" computing platform.

    Take a look ! You have to compile both modules and then link them together. Here is how
    f77 -o lab3.o -c lab3.f
    f77 -o lab3module.o -c lab3module.f
    f77 -o lab3 lab3.o lab3module.o -llapack
  • Now that you finish building the binary, run the code
    Does it do what you thought it should ?

    For geeks: you may want to use a Makefile . Type make and things will work on their own. Or will they ?