5. Conclusion

We have presented here methods which illustrate how root and weight diagrams can be used to visually identify the subalgebras of a given Lie algebra. While the standard methods of determining subalgebras rely upon adding, removing, or folding along nodes in a Dynkin diagram, we show here how to construct any of a Lie algebra's root or weight diagrams from its Dynkin diagram, and how to use geometric transformations to visually identify subalgebras using those weight and root diagrams. In particular, we show how these methods can be applied to algebras whose root and weight diagrams have dimensions four or greater. In addition to pointing out the erroneous inclusion of $C_4 \subset F_4$ in [15, 16], we provide visual proof that $C_4 \subset E_6$ and list all the subalgebras of $E_6$. While we are primarily concerned with the subalgebras of $E_6$, these methods can be used to find subalgebras of any rank $l$ algebra.

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